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About EKPA


Empire Kunekune Pig Association

The Empire Kunekune Pig Association was founded in upstate New York in 2018. We are a group of dedicated Kunekune pig breeders and owners across the U.S and Canada who are striving to preserve the breed through education, breed promotion and youth development. 

Though we are founded and based in New York, membership is open to any Kunekune owner or breeder who wishes to learn more about the breed, and actively participate in its preservation and promotion.

The EKPA is not a registry, not affiliated with either US registry (AKKPS or IKHR), and takes no official position of preference on one registry over the other. EKPA only recognizes DNA verified kunekunes that are registered by IKHR or AKKPS. Members may register animals with either registry, and we will be glad to answer questions or offer assistance about either registry as needed. We do ask that participating members commit to breeding DNA verified registered animals.

The EKPA’s sister organization is the Kunekune Pork Producers Association, Inc. (KPPA). KPPA was formed by a group of small farms who have come together to raise and market Kunekune pork under a brand that guarantees production under rigid set of agricultural sustainability and animal welfare standards.

NOTE: Pigs who are registered solely in the newly formed IKKPS*** Registry and are not found to be registered with one of the two well established registries (IKHR² or AKKPS³) will not be eligible for any programs put forth by EKPA or KPPA¹. EKPA will not recognize registrations coming from the IKKPS* registry. This decision is based on our commitment to our core values and mission statement regarding the importance of DNA testing to maintain purity of the breed. In order to protect the values of EKPA, EKPA will only recognize registries after they have been in business 5 years and have shown that they uphold the values of EKPA through strict DNA verification and registration guidelines.

¹KPPA : KuneKune Pork Producers Association 

²IKHR | International KuneKune Hog Registry

³AKKPS | American KuneKune Pig Society

*IKKPS | International KuneKune Pig Society

2022 Board of Directors

President - Amanda Hand, MKONO Farm
Vice President - Carol DeYoung, C & J Farm
Secretary - Michelle Miller, Millcrest Farm
Treasurer - Kathy Brennan, Highland Farm
At-Large - Cyndi Berry, Kunekune Preserve
At-Large - Karyn Owens, The Heart of Ham
At-Large - Filipa Rodrigues, Saudade Farms

EKPA Core Priorities

The Empire Kunekune Pig Association (EKPA) is committed to preservation, conservation and education of the original intent and purpose of the Kunekune breed. We celebrate the Kunekune as a landrace heritage breed of pig whose main purpose is to produce extraordinary pork through slow growth and on pasture-based systems.

Our core priorities for breed preservation and utilization are:

  • Preservation of Landrace & Heritage Breed Qualities:
    Kunekune are landrace/heritage breed animals. Therefore, priority will be given to maintaining the qualities that best demonstrate these characteristics. Landrace/Heritage Breed characteristics of the Kunekune pig include:

    • Retaining essential attributes for survival and self-sufficiency – fertility, foraging ability, longevity, maternal instincts, ability to mate naturally, and resistance to diseases and parasites

    • Ability to adapt to the natural environment and traditional production system in which it has been raised

    • Ability to show high stability of yield, even under adverse conditions

    • Ability to produce a diversity of colors, shapes, sizes both wattled and unwattled

    • Having a historical origin in a specific geographic area, and having its own local name

  • Recognition of the Kunekune as Pork Producing Animal
    We are committed to promoting the Kunekune as a heritage-breed pork producing animal and feel the key factor for longtime survival is its utilization as a meat producing breed. As such, we prioritize conformation and appearance qualities that directly impact the animal’s purpose in producing pork. We are committed to educating breeders and the public about producing and consuming Kunekune pork as well as to developing new market opportunities for Kunekune pork products.

  • Preservation of Purity through DNA Verified and Registered Breeding Stock.
    We are committed to promoting DNA verification and registration through one of the two well established and recognized registries, (IKHR* and AKKPS**). DNA verification and registration is the only way to ensure purity and value of a 100% Kunekune herd.

  • Transparent, democratic relationships with members, breeders and the public.
    We strive to do our work in partnership with our members and breeders and to be transparent in our work with the public. We aim to share information we learn freely and provide opportunities for our community to learn from and share with each other. We support breeders in developing their herds according to their needs and are committed to providing education and breed promotion so that we can ensure that Kunekunes continue to thrive.